Tag Archives: burn prevention

From Other Blogs: Treating Minor Burns, Summer Safety, and Preventing Swimmer’s Ear

A collection of health and environmental posts from other governmental blogs.

How to Treat a Minor Burn

We have all done it – remembered to put sunscreen on the kids but not on ourselves. Or thought the cookie sheet pan was cool when it wasn’t. All ending in a burn.  Prisma Health Nurse Practitioner Katie Schill said most burns will resolve in 1–2 weeks with some at-home treatment.

– From Flourish, Prisma Health’s Blog


Six Ways to Ruin Your Summer Fun!

Ahhh, summer… when the weather’s nice, the birds are singing and the ways to endanger your health are many. Here are six things that can ruin your summer fun and simple steps that you can take to prevent them from happening. – From Public Health Matters, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Blog


How to prevent and treat swimmer’s ear

Summer is a great time for fun in the water, unless you end up with swimmer’s ear, a common type of outer ear infection.  Prisma Health Nurse Practitioner Katie Schill said, “Despite its name, swimmer’s ear is not necessarily caused by swimming. It’s caused by any introduction of bacteria into the ear canal. This can happen by scratching the ear canal when removing wax or just scratching an itchy ear.”  To prevent swimmer’s ear, Katie offers this advice. – From Flourish, Prisma Health’s Blog